
Kinship (membership) to the Kindred Hall of Hammerhof is through invitation or application request. To request kinship you should send and E-MAIL  with the subject line "KINSHIP". 
Hammerhof Hall’s applicant process is one year, though it can be extended if the Kindred or the applicant needs a little more time. Our year-long process gives the Kindred time to truly get to know the applicant member, and ensure they are someone we want as part of our Kindred. The year-long process also gives the applicant member time to truly get to know us, and ensure they still want to be part of our group. They will be assigned a mentor during this period. After the probation period new members will be voted in by all kinsmen of the Hall and in a formal ceremony take the Oath of Hammerhof.
The social ranking structure of Hammerhof is based loosely on Saxon-Norse society. As stated above we have a ruling hierarchy and freemen. The term Freemen applies to both sexes. The classes of freemen are Thrall, Ceorl, Thane, and Eolderman. 
All seeking kinship within the Hall, if accepted, will enter into a one year probation period known as Thraldom. Upon acceptance you will be known as a Thrall In Old Norse society thralls were unfree servants. All Thralls will be given a mentor to help them learn the Thew and other ways of our Tribe. As well as the Lore, rites and other workings of the Tribe, our ancestors, and the Germanic peoples.
Thrall are expected to attend Hammerhof moots and things and to help with setup, cooking, cleaning, and other duties given unto them by the Frowe of the Hall or other Kinsmen. This is part of their duty and these duties help to build kinship between members. 

All are welcome to apply for membership and we strongly encourage family membership to the tribe. Before you apply please remember that we are building a community, a tribe, and this takes time and commitment.
Kinship Applicant Requirements
    • Must follow Ásatrú in one of its forms Must live in Rhode Island or the local area
    • Must be of Germanic ancestry (Northern European, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, etc.)  
    • Must be 21 years of age (individual membership)
    • Must have a clean criminal record
    • No racists

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