Friday, September 14, 2012

Wes þú hál!

Hale and be welcome! This is the official blog and web space for the Kindred Hall of Hammerhof, a folkish tribal kindred of Heathen faith commonly known as Ásatrú. Ásatrú is the commonly used word to cover a large area of Germanic Heathenism we are a Theodish Folk tribe of Saxon-Norse belief. Most Theods practice a strictly Anglo-Saxon for of Heathenry using Old English words and the old English names of the Gods and Goddess (e.g., Woden vs. Odin).

Theodish Belief or Þéodisc Geléafa in Old English meaning "tribal faith"; this is the "belief in the tribe." Theods generally hold certain beliefs in common (but not necessarily all of them). Amongst these social concepts are:  
  • Sacral leadership, the idea of a sacral ruler that collectively holds the luck of the tribe. 
  • A tribal assembly, a place where the folk can make law and discuss problems.
  • A structured society, one which has distinct social classes in which one has to learn their position; that all have freedom of conscience, and finally, that folk can be bond together by oaths and blood into a tribe.
Theodism holds that the natural place for Germanic Heathenism and the worship of the Germanic Gods and Goddesses is in a tribal society. We hold a belief in Wyrd, the idea of giving to the Gods and getting gifts in return, frith and grith (peace within the tribe and between tribes respectively), and general thews concerning conduct of one’s self. Within Theodish Belief, there is the support network of the tribe. Every member of a theod serves as mutual support for the other members and help reinforce our Heathen view of the world .

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